Use CHARLS Data with Stata 14

帖子: 57
注册时间: 周三 1月 13, 2016 4:55 pm

Use CHARLS Data with Stata 14

帖子 econwang » 周二 2月 23, 2016 3:43 pm

CHARLS data now is stored with Stata 12 format, it is ok when you use either Stata 12 or Stata 13. But when you use Stata 14, it can not display Chinese characters well.

Please use the build-in transformation command with Stata 14 to transform the data to Stata 14 format before using the data with Stata 14, take the child.dta as an example:

代码: 全选

cd DataPath // replace DataPath with yours
unicode encoding set "gb18030"
unicode translate child.dta, invalid(ignore)
type help unicode in Stata 14 to find more infor about this issue.

And note that, there is fundamental difference in treating non-ASCII characters between Stata 14 and earlier versions.
