本帖更新至 2016-1-27
This post was updated on Jan 27 2016
Here you can find the frequently asked questions, and this list will be updated timely. 这里我们总结了一些常见的数据问题,同时会持续更新。
Q1: When will each wave of CHARLS data be released? CHARLS每期数据大概什么时候发布?
A1: Each wave of CHARLS data will be released about 1 year after the field work completed. 我们会在实地工作结束一年之后发布当期数据。
Q2: How to apply the unreleased data? 如何申请未公开发布的数据?
A2: All the public data was released according to our release plan, there is no any confidential data to apply for. CHARLS的所有可公开发布的数据均按计划发布,没有保密数据可供申请。
Q3: How to identify the province, city, county and community of each sample? 如何知道每个样本所在的省份,城市,县以及村?
A3: Please read our user's guide and release note carefully, you can find the ID rules there. The name of province and city can be found from psu.dta. But we do not release the name of county and community for privacy protection purpose. 请仔细阅读用户手册以及发布说明,其中包括如何从ID识别省市县村以及家户和个人。省以及地级市的具体名称可在psu.dta中找到。出于保护受访者隐私的考虑,我们不公开县和村的具体名称。
Q4: When will the 2013 wave community survey data be released? 2013年的社区问卷何时发布?
A4: There is no plan to release this data. 我们目前没有发布2013年社区问卷数据的计划。